The Studio Refused To Spend An Additional Penny On The Cast
It seems like the studio was not afraid to be as cheap as they possibly could! There was a joke about the show that explained how the executives considered it a party if there was a single beer and then thirteen straws. That is only exhibit A! Michael Learned once said that there was a time when she received a flower arrangement, but the kids never got anything. Talk about penny-pinching!

The Studio Refused To Spend An Additional Penny On The Cast
Ralph Waite Was Smitten With The Entire Cast
Ralph Waite found the strength to turn his life around because of his costars on The Waltons. This is all the proof we need that love is the greatest motivator in the world. When the show started, he was battling addiction. However, he was able to turn over a new leaf thanks to his love for the cast. Apparently, it was at the dinner table with the child stars that he signed up for AA. This was how the talented actor started his journey to sobriety.

Ralph Waite Was Smitten With The Entire Cast