Ralph Waite And Michael Learned Tried To Date
Just like Topanga and Cory in Boy Meets World, onscreen chemistry can translate to a relationship outside of the set. The two lead stars were single back then, so Ralph once drove to Malibu. However, when they tried it out, it only became an awkward staring contest between them. Luckily, they cleared the air immediately and decided it would not work.

Ralph Waite And Michael Learned Tried To Date
Mary Ellen Ruined Her Career When She Did The Playboy Spread
Although it might be a great move for certain celebrities, Mary Ellen did not get the same results when she appeared on Playboy. Years later, she admitted that posing for the magazine was a terrible idea. In the interviews that followed, journalists decided to focus on her Playboy stint instead of her acting chops. Yikes.

Mary Ellen Ruined Her Career When She Did The Playboy Spread