Olivia Walton Had A Problem With Alcohol
On the show, Michael Learned would refer to alcohol as evil and go on a rant about drinking. In reality, the actress did not believe the words that came out of her mouth. Apparently, she even auditioned with a bourbon bottle in her pocket! That is dedication for you. Despite this, the actress was able to persuade the casting crew that she could bring the character to life.

Olivia Walton Had A Problem With Alcohol
Jon Walmsley Was Raised In The States But Born in England
John Walmsley was born not in the United States, but in Lancashire, England. We bet you are wondering how come he did not speak with an English accent! Well, his family crossed the Atlantic before he could develop it. Of course, it is not all the uncommon to hear about actors who could mask their real accents when playing a character that called for a different one.

Jon Walmsley Was Raised In The States But Born in England