The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds In The World

Published on 06/23/2019

Australian Shepherd

Ironically, Australian Shepherds are actually not from Australia, but from Californian ranches. These guys are herding dogs, so you don’t need to feel alarmed when you see them “herding” animals, or even when they play with children. They are strong, loyal and smart, but they can also be stubborn at times. They would even try to challenge their owners to become the alpha. If you like teaching your dog new tricks, then you’d love teaching them as they are always game for new games and tricks. You will find that they are also eager learners, and are always full of energy, so make sure that you keep them happy and focused. If you like hiking, Australian Shepherds are the perfect companions for you as they have the stamina for long treks.

Australian Shepherd1

Australian Shepherd


Saint Bernard

You may identify the Saint Bernard breed from the movie series about Beethoven in the late 1990s. They aren’t really goofy-looking like some dogs in comedy shows, but they aren’t scary-looking or aggressive either, like the dogs we typically see in thrillers. These guys were bred as skillful mountain dogs in Switzerland. Some would even call then the Gentle Giants because of their huge size, and sweet and calm personality. However, just like any other large dogs, they need to be properly trained on how to behave among humans and other animals to avoid any fear or aggression.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard