Mother Bear Leaves Cubs To Drown But The Cubs Are Miraculously Saved By The Most Unexpected Rescuer

Published on 06/07/2018

Miraculous Intervention

The bear pulled the mountain lion away from Bigg’s backpack. It then got into a fight with the lion and it emerged victorious. Robert explained that he expected the outcome as the bear “outweighed the cat 400 pounds to 100 pounds.” This made the lion flee for his life. The bear then went back to all fours, looked right at Robert, and returned to her cub.

Miraculous Intervention

Miraculous Intervention


Just Some Scratches

Despite having done the Bean Soup Flat trail before, he never imagined that such a thing would ever happen to him. Luckily, Robert came out from the attack with only minor scratches that he treated with peroxide. He even ignored his wife’s pleas to go to a hospital. “There was puncture wounds and skin was hanging off, and you don’t know what’s in their paws,” his wife would later explain.

Just Some Scratches

Just Some Scratches