The Recruiter Was Not Sure About Her
After taking a look at her, he essentially told her that she did not stand a chance. The recruiter said that the boot camp for the Marine Corps was harder than the other branches. “He explained how tough the program is and said, ‘A girl like you probably wouldn’t make it through boot camp in the Marine Corps.’ …I took that as a challenge and asked, ‘Where do I sign up?’” she shared with Yahoo! Lifestyle. The doubts of the recruiters had been valid. How did it go for her when she finally got to boot camp?

The Recruiter Was Not Sure About Her
Off To Attend Boot Camp
Shannon Ihrke signed up for the U.S. Marine Corps and went to South Carolina to start boot camp. The young woman trained in a number of fields, such as rifle training and mixed martial arts. This went on for three months. The training went on to be one of the most difficult things that she had ever experienced. This refers not only to the physical strain that came with it but also the mental toll.

Off To Attend Boot Camp