Hard But Worth It
Even though it was hard, she loved the experience. She also learned that there was more support for her than she initially assumed. When she was interviewed by Fox News, she said, “When I got back I was just like, ‘I loved boot camp.’ I walked straight up to the recruiter and told him and he goes, ‘Oh yeah, I knew you’d be fine.’ I was stunned, but he told me he knew I had an alpha personality, and would do well.”

Hard But Worth It
An Empowering Experience
The young woman looks at her boot camp experience as something empowering. “I loved pushing myself, I realized how mentally and physically strong I really am, and it was an empowering feeling… I had drill instructors that were beautiful, smart women. They were amazing – and it motivated me even more,” she explained. However, this does not mean that it was easy for her to join the ranks of the guys. It was great that she felt empowered as a woman, but there were other obstacles in her way. For one thing, some of the men tried to give her a hard time.

An Empowering Experience