Her College Counselor Had A Suggestion
The future had looked so uncertain to her, so she talked to her college counselor and asked for advice. What happened after she explained her fears about her debts and the recession? Ihrke shared, “[The counselor] told me two people get college completely paid for – single moms and those in the military. I thought, well… [the first one] is out. But I thought about the military and so I went to a recruiting fair.”

Her College Counselor Had A Suggestion
The Marine Corps Piqued Her Interest
“I decided to research the different branches [of the military], and a Marine Corps recruiter caught me on the way out from talking to an Air Force recruiter,” she informed Yahoo! Lifestyle. Shannon Ihrke was a pretty young woman, so people had been surprised to see her at a military recruitment fair. She did not look like most people there! What truly made her decide on this path was something that she heard from a Marine recruiter.

The Marine Corps Piqued Her Interest