Gaining Global Traction
In case you have not figured it out just yet, the internet is a truly powerful tool. Soon enough, folks abroad were talking about her. She gained a global following and did get a say in it. The blogs and websites kept posting about her but on a bigger scale. The New York Times and the Washington Post even posted about her! In the UK and Germany, her photo was broadcasted. She was featured on a popular talk show in Australia too. She was turning into a star no matter what she felt about it.

Gaining Global Traction
Trying To Take Control
It bothered Stokke that she was getting so much attention for the wrong thing. She honed her craft for years on end, but people only paid attention to her good looks. We are sure that it was infuriating to go through that. On top of that, she had no say about all of it. After some time, she knew that the only thing for her to do was to take things into her own hands. She realized just how powerful the internet was. This explained why she hired a manager to handle all the emails and calls that she was getting.

Trying To Take Control