An Internet Sensation
Even worse, the blog already had a rather shady reputation. It did not help that it used a demeaning caption for her photo. They did not talk about the actual talent of the young woman at all. We are sure that you can imagine what sort of things it said. The photo left a negative mark on her life after it went viral on a number of multiple platforms. Once the original photographer learned of what was going on, he decided to take action. He talked to the website and asked them to remove the photo, threatening to sue otherwise. This might have been admirable, but nothing ever really goes away on the internet.

An Internet Sensation
Everyone Had A Crush On Her
While the first photo made rounds on the internet, people started to make fan sites and clubs dedicated to Stokke. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen after just one photo? But the weirdest thing would be the fact that they posted more photos of her! People would comment about how she has since become their internet crush. The websites continued to grow bigger and bigger. The entire time, Stokke had been the one caught in the middle of the media frenzy.

Everyone Had A Crush On Her