This Is What Happens When You Stick Your Head Into A Particle Accelerator

Published on 05/05/2019

What You Can Do

However, there are certain things you can do to alleviate the damage acute radiation poisoning can bring. For one thing, you can replace the blood affected in order to improve the white blood cell count and restore the immune system to its operational functions. There is also a good chance that you will be given antibiotics and hooked to breathing machines. When you are placed on assisted living, you generally reduce the amount of work your body needs to deliver its daily duties. When this happens, you are making it easier for the body to concentrate on the act of recovery. This is a way to try and recover from the damage radiation exposure caused.

What You Can Do

What You Can Do


Cell Death

The process of cell death is known as apoptosis. Essentially, this is what will happen when the DNA of the cells has been compromised. You can think of it as the cells committing suicide. It happens in a distinct way, which is how the process got its name. In Greek, apo means “off” and ptosis means “falling”. After being compromised, the cells fall into tiny pieces and eventually degenerate. The results of the process would be the recycling of the cellular remains to be used by the other body cells. If enough cellular decomposition happens, the result is generally unfavorable. Cellular rot, necrosis, and other unseemly conditions often result from the burns and the other side effects.

Cell Death

Cell Death