This Is What Happens When You Stick Your Head Into A Particle Accelerator

Published on 05/05/2019

Beta Particles

Meanwhile, beta particles are somewhat more intense when you consider what will happen after the exposure. For the most part, they are very small and such a diminutive nature allows them the ability to penetrate the skin better. With radiation, the main thing you need to worry about is penetration. Layering up is the key here! Clothing can protect you to a certain extent. Upon contact with the skin, one should expect itchiness, red splotches, and some swelling. With ample time, the part of the skin exposed to these particles will result in the death of your cells. Do we need to explain why this is bad?

Beta Particles

Beta Particles


Gamma Rays And Neutrinos

If you want to know what the most dangerous particles for humans to encounter are, they would be neutrinos and gamma rays. If you want to prevent these from penetrating the skin, lead protection is necessary. Most people will not be equipped during the time of exposure, so there are many side effects to come. When you are hit by these particles, they will enter up to a couple of centimeters into your skin and cause irritation all over the body. With sufficient exposure, the result would be radiation poisoning and even death. Now, let us go back to the story and figure out which of these particles Bugorski had to deal with.

Gamma Rays And Neutrinos

Gamma Rays And Neutrinos