This Is What Happens When You Stick Your Head Into A Particle Accelerator

Published on 05/05/2019

Cancer Treatment

There are times when radiation is used to treat different forms of cancer instead of breeding them. This is actually what proton therapy aims to do. During the process, a tiny beam of protons is going to be directed at an acute body part. It will then destroy, in the same manner we have previously discussed, the region where the beam is pointed at. When the area is destroyed, cancerous cells are killed alongside it. Like we have previously mentioned, radiation first targets the cells that replicate quickly when it takes hold. In general, they also happen to be the most cancerous ones, so do not be surprised to find that proton therapy is often a part of cancer treatment.

Cancer Treatment

Cancer Treatment


Not Looking So Good

Many of the medical professionals were under the impression that Mr. Bugorski was going to meet his end. He was exposed to an incredible amount of radiation that exceeded the normal threshold, so they knew he had a very low chance of survival. However, this was only the diagnosis on the superficial level. The pathway where the particle penetrated and then left his brain had been small, which was why the total radiation he actually experienced had been minimal. Although the amount he experienced was enough to cause serious damage to the exposed areas, they were highly localized. Keep in mind that it would take near global radiation exposure for it to be fatal.

Not Looking So Good

Not Looking So Good