Chow Down On These Nutritious Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/02/2019

Black Tea

Do you enjoy a cup of black tea every now and then? It might be time to increase your intake since regular consumption is great for your health. Not only does the antioxidants in it bring down blood pressure, but they also regulate LDL cholesterol levels.

Black Tea

Black Tea


Peanut Butter

Are you surprised to find that peanut butter can actually be good for you? Let us explain further. The delicious spread, at least the natural version, is full to bursting with fiber, protein, vitamins, and monounsaturated fats. Just keep in mind that it is high-calorie, although we daresay that the taste and health benefits more than make up for it. It comes with potassium, which regulates blood pressure too.

Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter