Chow Down On These Nutritious Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/02/2019


This is one low-calorie vegetable that you should be eating as much as you could. The superfood is actually bursting with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that will help keep you in great form. By nature, cabbage is full of vitamin C and boosts the body’s natural defenses and lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease. Other health benefits would be the prevention of cancer and vision loss.




Brown Rice

As you probably already know, rice is a staple that different cultures and groups simply cannot do without. White rice happens to be the most accessible and popular of these grains, although you should opt for brown rice if you can. After all, this variety does not have gluten but remains full of vitamins, minerals, and healthy compounds. Brown rice can also help you lose weight and ward off heart disease.

Brown Rice

Brown Rice