Garlic has a solid spot in popular culture because it has been rumored to be an effective vampire repellant. However, did you know that it is also great for your heart? Garlic has always been used in different cultures to make dishes tastier, but studies have revealed that it can do wonders for our ticker as well. This is because garlic can reduce the artery plaque buildup levels, reduce blood pressure, and prevent blood vessel constriction. If you do not like how garlic tastes, it is always possible to enjoy the health benefits by consuming it as a pill.

Red Wine
Wine enthusiasts, you can still enjoy a glass every now and then. You do not have to eschew alcohol to live a healthy life! Consume it in moderation and your heart will reap the benefits of this magical drink. A glass of red wine with your meal can help make the blood vessels more flexible and prevent blood clots from forming. Aside from these things, red wine will also boost HDL levels and bring down the risk of contracting coronary heart disease. All of sudden, it seems a lot easier to embark on the journey to better health!

Red Wine