The World’s Biggest Athletes And Their Impressive Size

Published on 02/23/2019

Jorge Gonzalez (8’)

We bet you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you when you read that this guy’s height was 8 feet. However, his confirmed height is technically 7’7”, a few inches shorter than his billed height, but that is still very impressive and he holds the title of the tallest WWE wrestler of all time. Jorge “Giant” Gonzalez weighs 463 pounds and for carrying that around with his great height in the wrestling scene, he became a fan favorite. However, he unfortunately suffered health issues for some time which made him end his career in wrestling after five years. He later died from heart issues when he was only 44 years old.

Jorge Gonzalez (8’)

Jorge Gonzalez (8’)


Konishiki Yasokichi (6’)

Now we go to sumo wrestling, a sport where it’s not so much about the height but more on the circumference and sheer weight of these massive men. This retired sumo wrestler doesn’t come from Japan, but he is actually from Hawaii. His top weight was still staggering (633 pounds!), earning him nicknames such as Meat Bomb and Dump Truck. He ended up becoming a really successful sumo wrestler, winning in his division three times and nearly gaining the grand champion title in his sport. Despite the fact that he’s technically a foreigner, he is still part Japanese (and part Samoan as well) and we love the diversity that he offered this sport, breaking barriers not only in size but in culture as well.

Konishiki Yasokichi (6’)

Konishiki Yasokichi (6’)