30+ Unbelievable Things You Could Do With WD-40

Published on 10/16/2019

Joining Plastic Shelves

Putting plastic shelves together is a job most people can do, noWD-40 included. However, taking them apart afterward can be very challenging. What you could do to prevent this is spray WD-40 on the parts that meet up with one another and that way they will come apart much more easily the next time you want to separate them.

Joining Plastic Shelves

Joining Plastic Shelves


Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs

If you have a fiberglass bathtub then you know exactly what the troubles of scrubbing are like. While you may do it often and hard enough, you still come up with the same disappointing results. By spraying some WD-40 in the tub and then scrubbing lightly, you will have it back to white in no time. Just make sure to wipe it down once you’re done.

Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs

Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs