30+ Unbelievable Things You Could Do With WD-40

Published on 10/16/2019

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip

Sliding doors are supposed to be able to slide open and closed with ease, and when they don’t you can easily have a meltdown! If you’d like to prevent that from happening, try giving the rails a little spray of WD-40 and a wipe. You’ll be super impressed, we guarantee it!

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip


Preventing Wind Chimes Rust

Wind chimes have a certain charm, don’t they? Not everyone likes them but they add some character to a house. However, if they get too rusted then they can look a little gross and dilapidated. You can give your wind chimes a spray of WD-40 before the get rusty to prevent this from happening.

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust