Serving The Same Customers
“I would help [Sarah] out quite a bit, watching her children. I got a job at Domino’s and worked opposite hours of her. It was flexible enough for me to watch her kids while she worked and then for her to have her children when I went to work,” Angela told The Atlantic. Both women delivered pizza around Anoka County, Minnesota and they would often serve the same customers like Lee Haase.

Serving The Same Customers
A Regular Customer
One customer whom Angela and Sarah always heard from was the 76-year-old Anoka County resident Lee Haase. Every Saturday, he ordered pizza from Domino’s, and his order was like clockwork, as what Angela told USA Today. “About 10:15 a.m. you are going to get an order from Lee. He likes to order every Saturday,” she said. This means that once a week, at the very least, Angela or Sarah would go to Lee’s trailer to deliver his favorite pizza, so the two women got to know Lee over time. They knew about his story.

A Regular Customer