Drivers of pizza places like Domino’s have regular customers just like coffee shops and restaurants. Over time, the pizza delivery drivers get to know customers quite well, but unlike other businesses, these drivers also see where the customers live. Angela Nguyen and her daughter, Sarah Hughes, are Domino’s delivery drivers who got to see the inside of their regular customer’s home. Knowing that they needed to act fast, the two women went the extra mile to help Lee Haase, who is already 76 years old.
Before Becoming A Delivery Driver
Angela Nguyen, who lives in Anoka County, Minnesota, is a Domino’s delivery driver now but she actually used to work for the Minnesota Visiting Nurses. “I did housekeeping for people with AIDS and HIV. Then they closed my department. They offered me another position with hospice, but I had a daughter that died while I was working for Minnesota Visiting Nurses, and it was just too difficult for me to think of going to work with other people that were dying. So I left,” Angela told The Atlantic. Her caring nature definitely came in handy while working as a delivery driver.

Before Becoming A Delivery Driver
Her New Job
Angela started looking for other work after leaving the Minnesota Visiting Nurses. Since she often looked after her grandchildren, she wanted to find a job that has a flexible schedule. She thought of applying to be a delivery driver for Domino’s, where her daughter Sarah worked as well. Angela was soon in the flow of a new job, which allowed her to be home with the children whenever Sarah was working. Her new job also gave Angela the chance to meet many different kinds of people.

Her New Job