Life-Changing Friendships
There are times we develop friendships that are truly life-changing, and this statement is definitely true when it comes to Klynn Scales’ friendship with her favorite Missouri police officer. When Klynn was nine years old, she would wait every day for the officer to make his rounds, and the pair was excited to be the shining light in each other’s day. One day, something happened to Klynn which could have ended up cutting her life tragically short had it not been for her friend. What happened and how was her life saved? Keep reading to find out more about this amazing story!

Life-Changing Friendships
Friendly Interaction
At the age of nine, Klynn Scales’ first hero was a local police officer assigned to patrol her neighborhood every day. Since the young girl took note of the time that he would pass by her house, she would sit at the window and wait for him to pass by. When he did, she would wave to say hello excitedly and the police officer, enjoying this friendly interaction, would also wave back. Every day, they would exchange hellos, which brightened their otherwise hard days. Actually, Klynn’s neighborhood was patrolled on a daily basis for a reason, and her childhood wasn’t exactly easy.

Friendly Interaction