Finnish Border Guard
Obviously, the Finnish Border Guard or in Finnish Rajavartiolaitos, must enforce security at the country’s borders.

Finnish Border Guard
In addition, they have police and investigative authority concerning immigration matters. Also, they are responsible for search and rescue inland and maritime. Sometimes, their helicopters are used to assist local fire or rescue departments.
Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine
These German special marines are called the Kampfschwimmer (Combat Swimmers), or KSM, and are the single special-purpose unit within Germany’s Navy. Once Germany joined NATO in 1955, KSM was established. Men who did not have a Nazi past were recruited for the first unit.

Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine
In order to become part of this elite unit, one must pass a rigorous training period. Candidates must run 5,000 meters in less than 24 minutes, stay underwater without breathing for 60 seconds, swim 30 meters underwater without equipment, among many other grueling tests. However, many say the physical training is much easier to overcome than the psychological load such as, fear that causes many to drop out during training.