Brazil’s Comandos Anfíbios or COMANF is part of their Marine Corps Special Operations Battalion and headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The defining phrase for the COMANF soldiers is the following, “Um Comanf é imbatível, dois são inseparáveis e três fazem guerra.”

When you translate from Portuguese to English it means, “One Comanf is unbeatable, two are unseparable and three wage war.” These Brazilian soldiers are trained for rappelling, mountaineering, advanced reconnaissance, counterintelligence and intelligence, among other special training.
Canadian Special Operations Regiment
Canada’s mobile special unit is known as CSOR, which stands for Canadian Special Operations Regiment.

Canadian Special Operations Regiment
They provide backup for Canada’s Joint Task Force 2, but also can be deployed anywhere in the world or within the country. Of course, they’re able to do counter-terrorism, direct action, defense diplomacy and special reconnaissance.