The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds In The World

Published on 06/23/2019


Many people are surprised to discover that Poodles are actually quite intelligent. This is probably because they are more famous for their cute and unique hairstyles than their brains. When Poodles were tested, their ability to remember and obey commands earned them top marks. They have proven to be very receptive to commands, and they have proven to be extremely skilled swimmers with the help of their webbed feet. Poodles seem to love playing in the water. Good thing their water-resistant coat can keep them warm, even in the rain. This amazing breed is also very athletic.




Border Collie

Poodles may be a very intelligent breed, but Border Collies are on a different level. They are not only fast, smart, and agile, but they are also quite perfect as a family dog. These guys are very good at following specific commands which are not limited to verbal ones, but also signal and sound commands. This breed was initially a ranch and a farm animal, so it’s no surprise that it can herd livestock well. They are also very athletic, mainly because they have high levels of energy and acrobatic skills. Overall, Border Collie is the smartest breed of dog out there.

Border Collie1

Border Collie