The Most Intelligent Dog Breeds In The World

Published on 06/23/2019

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog and the Australian Shepherd look very similar in their appearances. These dogs are very good at obedience competitions as they are quite loyal and very sharp., Australian Cattle Dogs are made for activities that require athletic abilities, endurance, and quick-thinking. They also make very good ranchers as they have an unparalleled ability to herd cattle. They thrive on performing tasks, and without anything to do, they can easily become destructive. So, you need to properly train these guys! These dogs are also very needy and the owners have to constantly and consistently interact with them.

Australian Cattle Dog1

Australian Cattle Dog



Rottweilers may look very scary, but this breed is actually very intelligent and gentle. However, do not ever mess or hurt their family as they can be extremely protected of the people they love. These dogs are often used as service dogs because they are known for their love for people. Stinky, a Rottweiler, saved a man who was fighting post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD by showing unconditional love to the said man. Stinky even won service dog of the year and was inducted into the Purina Animal Hall of Fame in 2011 for his commendable act.

