The Surprising Truth About The Blue Shutters That You Find In The South

Published on 02/25/2021

The Relied On Slave Labor

Indigo dye was not easy to produce, but there was a ton of demand for it. They wanted to meet the demand no matter what it took. In the mid-18th century, plantation owners took advantage of slaves to turn a profit. To be even more specific, they relied on the expertise and knowledge of their African slaves.

They Relied On Slave Labor

The Relied On Slave Labor


As The Demand Grew

As the demand for the product went up, the need for more workers did as well. This presented another problem for the plantation owners. Because of this, there was an influx of slaves to South Carolina. said that it took over half of all the slaves in the United States to the state.

As The Demand Grew

As The Demand Grew