The Surprising Truth About The Blue Shutters That You Find In The South

Published on 02/25/2021

The Indigo Trade even says that the indigo trade was the second-biggest export business in the country. The people who led the cultivation of the material earned a lot of money back then. They used it to make lavish clothing for the upper classes in Europe. There was just one catch to the production of the dye.

The Indigo Trade

The Indigo Trade


How To Cultivate Them

You see, it is not easy to cultivate the plant. As a matter of fact, the process of turning it to dye would take as much as 20 hours! It required a lot of work since they had to soak, beat, drain, dry, and deliver the goods. Aside from that, they relied on workers who had specialist knowledge of the processes.

How To Cultivate Them

How To Cultivate Them