Realtors Expected The Worst After Getting A Call About A 70-Year-Old Home… Boy, Were They Wrong

Published on 08/07/2019

Not The Furniture

Even though we adore the property, there was actually a catch. Unfortunately, the furniture was not going to come home with the winner of the auction. The furniture pieces definitely had a big part in the feel and design of the place, so let us hope they were informed of this before they made the leap. Her daughter wanted to keep the furniture for herself as part of an inheritance. Since she grew up in the home, we are sure she has lots of precious memories with them. However, there is no point in denying that this would lessen the appeal of the house. While it will make the effect less powerful, it is still worth it.

Not The Furniture

Not The Furniture


After Seven Decades

During the time she moved into the house on 148 Jane Street, Joyce was just 24 years old. She lived there for seventy years before she reached the decision that it was time for a change. She spent most of her life living there but not once did she neglect her house. This simple brick structure might look pretty ordinary from the inside, but her decorating skills and knack for interior design made it a thing of wonder. During her later years in life, she spent a lot of time in the master bedroom. Even so, we daresay that it looks as immaculate as ever. The chairs even look like they have never been used. The bed also looks brand new. If you had no idea, you probably do not know that they date back to the ‘40s.

After Seven Decades

After Seven Decades