Realtors Expected The Worst After Getting A Call About A 70-Year-Old Home… Boy, Were They Wrong

Published on 08/07/2019

Worst-Case Scenario

When Gladys and Carla drove all the way to 148 Jane Street, they were both skeptical about what they were going to find. They were convinced that there was no way for Joyce to have maintained her house all on her own. For them, the best thing to do was prepare themselves for the worst-case scenario.

Worst-Case Scenario

Worst-Case Scenario


A Hoarder

As the day of the visit approached, they could not help but feel more worried. First of all, they dreaded that they needed a lot of time and effort to give it a chance in the market. How much were they going to have to fix it up, considering that it has not undergone renovation in decades? They also worried that she was a hoarder. It was possible that she accumulated a lot of junk over the past 70 years.

Messy And Uninhabitable?

A Hoarder