The Unbelievable Life Of The Woman They Call ‘Octomom’

Published on 01/23/2019

The Controversial Birth

The interview came back to the topic of Octomom herself, and they started discussing Nadya’s controversial birth. Nadya recalled how “it took 46 scrambling doctors and nurses to perform the C-section when she went into labor at 31 weeks”, which is quite early, even with multiple children. When the babies were born, there were six boys and two girls and they all weighed between 1 pound 8 ounces and 3 pounds 4 ounces. The birth was a medical miracle, and subsequently caught the eye of media sources all around the world. Never before had so many babies been born at once and all survived, let alone came out healthy. Unfortunately, instead of using this amazing miracle as a medical learning opportunity, the octuplets and their mother quickly became the face of many tabloid articles.

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The Controversial Birth


Cashing In

After the babies were born, the story was gaining a lot of traction across the world and among many different media platforms. Understandably, Nadya cashed in and received money for interviews, especially given the fact that she was a single mother of fourteen children. After all of the public interest began to fade, Nadya started to go through a dark time in her life. She spoke to the reporter about that time and reflected on it: “I was pretending to be a fake, a caricature, which is something I’m not, and I was doing it out of desperation and scarcity so I could provide for my family.” She added, “I’ve been hiding from the real world all my life.” The interviewer could see that there was more to her story, so he continued to ask questions.

Cashing In

Cashing In