The Unbelievable Life Of The Woman They Call ‘Octomom’

Published on 01/23/2019

Is The Diet too Vegan?

Some people feel that Nadya’s children are on too strict of a vegan diet for the fact that, after all, they are just kids. On one of her posts, Nadya received some harsh criticism about whether or not her children are getting enough nutrients by living a vegan lifestyle. Nadya must be used to criticism by now and replied, “Yes the little kids and I are vegan! Their pediatrician said they are some of the healthiest kids she has ever seen in her practice.” Another follower countered all of the negativity by posting, “Good job momma influencing your kids to lead the healthiest (and most compassionate) lifestyle!

Is The Diet Too Vegan

Is The Diet Too Vegan?


Pre-Workout Food

Nadya tends to stick to such an extremely strict vegan diet, and one of the reasons for this is because her meals are included as her pre-workout supplements. She often gets asked what exactly she eats to remain so healthy, so in this post, she stated that this is her “pre/post-workout, breakfast and lunch, in addition to 2-3 gallons of Alkaline water”. She added that “for dinner, I eat raw vegetables such as organic kale, chard, collard greens, bell peppers, and red or golden beets (plus a cooked vegan dinner such as organic sprouted lentils or quinoa).” The reason she follows such a strict diet is that “I grew up an ethical vegetarian (was an animal rescuer with my mom and adore all living things); therefore going vegan was not a challenging transition. Becoming raw has only enhanced my health, clarified and strengthened my mind, and helped heal my broken back (from her earlier injuries).”

Pre Workout Food

Pre Workout Food