The Unbelievable Life Of The Woman They Call ‘Octomom’

Published on 01/23/2019

A Birthday Surprise

Nadya has such a busy life caring for so many children, so seeing them love her right back truly warms our hearts. Nadya recently shared this super cute photo of her surprise birthday breakfast prepared by her kids. She explained how she “awoke this Sunday morning to 8 amazing kids surprising me with the best early birthday (big omg) breakfast!” The most amazing part is that her children put so much thought and effort into it. The healthy, vegan, and organic meal included a vegan pancake, peanut butter, maple syrup, organic fruit, vegan mac and cheese and of course, coffee in her favorite mug! It sure does look delicious!

A Birthday Surprise

A Birthday Surprise


Busy But Healthy

While most busy moms only have time to grab a quick breakfast in the morning, Nadya still makes sure to find time to stay healthy. She recently shared this mouth-watering picture of her healthy, delicious-looking, vegan breakfast. She captioned the post “sometimes breakfast and lunch look like this”. There are so many ingredients to it, including oats, banana, apple, maqui powder, mulberry berries, goji berries, golden berries, fresh blueberries, and even pineapple and blackberries. Talk about an amazing combination! One of her followers commented on the post, “I love that you and your family are vegan and so healthy! I’m a single mom too, your story inspired me to keep my eyes focused on the babies when there is so much to distract us in the world”. Incredible.

Busy But Healthy

Busy But Healthy