The Story of John Travolta

Published on 04/25/2018

Famous In Brazil

Though his acting career took place in America, some of his biggest fans live in Brazil.

Famous In Brazil

Famous In Brazil

Would you believe, he’s so popular there, that they got him to star in a special TV commerical for a local rum? Pretty cool. In the commercial, he demonstrates some salsa moves and plays beach soccer. The commericial was filmed in Rio…sounds like a fun shoot!


Tennis Hobby

At 55, Travolta decided it was time for a new hobby. Thus, he gave tennis a try. At first, it was difficult to find time to swing the racket without paparazzi.

Tennis Hobby

Tennis Hobby

Thus, he decided to go to the local courts with his maintenance person and house manager at a strange hour to avoid attention. So if you head to the courts around midnight, maybe you’ll get a glimpse at this bunch hitting the ball around.