Intense Role
Recently in 2017, Travolta has been working on perhaps, his most difficult and challenging role of the decade! For the movie The Life and Death of John Gotti, preparation has been far from easy. Can you believe, it has taken Travolta over six years to train himself for this role as an Italian-American gangster?

Intense Role
Something he found in common with his gangster character…they both enjoy gin martinis! Hey, that’s a starting point, I guess. Not that we want to hear he has that much in common with his character…
Picky Eater
Travolta surely has his unique habits and peculiar tastes. If you’re curious about this star’s diet, even he has admitted it’s a bit odd. For starters, he enjoys a morning coffee blended from half a pound of Sumatra beans from Starbucks, making a strong coffee.

Picky Eater
As far as condiments go, Coleman’s Hot Mustard is his favorite. Even stars cave to impulses at times. Just like us, Travolta admits to splurging with McDonald’s on certain occassions.