Chow Down On These Nutritious Super Foods For A Healthier Heart

Published on 06/02/2019


When it comes to low-calorie snacks, we are pretty fond of just munching on a cucumber! Even though it is made up of 96% water, it is still a good source of protein, magnesium potassium, fiber, and vitamins C and K. Those vitamins and minerals work together to maintain your body. Cucumber is also effective when it comes to the reduction of risk for heart disease because of the antioxidants in it.





Macha is basically green tea in the purest possible form. How is it made? Well, the leaves are first grounded until it is fine and powdery to ensure that the consumer enjoys all the benefits the plant has to offer. One cup of macha will already give you ten times the level of antioxidants in green tea. Drinking it regularly will prevent various diseases because of the magnesium, chromium, zinc, and vitamin C in it.

Macha Powder

Macha Powder