Our Favorite Celebrities’ Last Photos That Will Haunt You

Published on 07/16/2020

The Challenger Crew – 1986

The crew consisted of: Payload Specialist Gregory Jarvis; Astronaut Judith A. Resnik, Mission Specialist; Francis R. (Dick) Scobee, Mission Commander; Ronald E. McNair, Mission Specialist; Mike J. Smith, Pilot; Ellison S. Onizuka, Mission Specialist, and Teacher-in-Space Payload Specialist Sharon Christa McAuliffe. Nobody from the team knew that it would be their last flight. There NASA Space Shuttle orbiter Challenger exploded and broke apart just 73 seconds into its flight. This scene was very different from all smiles that the crew members gave a few minutes before their deadly take off. 

The Challenger Crew 1986

The Challenger Crew 1986


Mahatma Gandhi – Died at 78

Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy still lives amongst us. He was an activist who did not believe in violence and war. This photo was taken before he was murdered. He was shot down by his murderer which was ironically opposite of what he was practicing. Gandhi was on his way to a prayer meeting when a Hindu extremist shot him due to his acceptance of Muslims. We are now celebrating Gandhi’s birthday as the International Day of Nonviolence. 

Mahatma Gandhi Died At 78

Mahatma Gandhi Died At 78