These Mind-Boggling Green Screen Pictures Reveal How Animation Works In Films

Published on 05/19/2019

Grey’s Anatomy

Instead of flying all the actors, crew, and equipment to a location the producers want in the show, this seems like the obvious solution. Just use a set with a green screen! This is a great solution especially when a show is typically filmed in one place and they need one scene in another location. It makes no sense to uproot the entire show for that.

Grey's Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy


Ender’s Game Again

In modern movies, it really is amazing the amount of detailing they can do with the help of special effects. Ender’s Game is a great example of this. Just about everything aside from the actress’s head and torso was added post-filming. Not only that, but the suit she’s wearing also got a little makeover with special effects, making it look more futuristic.

Ender's Game Again

Ender’s Game Again