17. Conjoined Toes
Our feet are amazing and being able to walk upright was one of ancient humanity’s biggest advantages over the rest of the animal kingdom. While we all enjoy wiggling our toes, this father and son duo doesn’t have as much freedom as others. As you can see, their two middle toes on both their respective feet were fused. Of course, both adult man and baby are unlikely to ever experience issues with walking or running.

17 Conjoined Toes
18. Heart-Shaped Nostrils
Some people express their love with their eyes, others with poems or romantic gestures. This little baby, however, can do it with his nose! As you can see, his nostrils are shaped like hearts! Isn’t that the cutest thing you have ever seen? This isn’t exactly an extraordinary genetic variation, and many people have heart-shaped nostrils. Still, it is very cute, and we are sure that this baby will grow up into quite the Cupid when he’s older!

18 Heart Shaped Nostrils