19. Unusual Hair Growth
We end off our list by revisiting Baby Chanco, whose incredible head of hair deserves a second look. As you can see, her hair is growing healthily and is very, very long. While most babies have a small wisp of hair on their little heads, Baby Chanco’s is almost down to her shoulders! We hope that she continues to grow it into the longest head of hair ever seen. Or maybe she could donate her hair to cancer patients?

19 Unusual Hair Growth
14 High Intelligence Indications Unveiled
There is not one person who doesn’t love to be smart and, in turn, spread the knowledge they have with others around them. It is a fact that each individual knows something about a particular topic – more than others may readily know. But, what many people don’t realize is that they are smarter than they perceive themselves to be. Also, many people are generally unaware that intelligence is a teachable skill that can be adopted. Yes, even if you had many physical activities or music sessions as a child, it can be done. A curious mind can improve their intelligence level from general to mastery, whether it comes naturally or not. There are numerous people whose intelligence is very much obvious, while others have to search for theirs and even discover ones they never knew of. Just keep yourself from being scared of certain standards of intelligence and explore your own freely and curiously. As you go through this article, you will discover a few of the “not so obvious” ones…
1. Older Siblings Possess High Intelligence
Those who fit the category of “older siblings” will love the idea that research indicates those in that position are slightly more intelligent than their younger sibling, and if there is an even younger sibling, then even they will be slightly less intelligent than the middle child. Though this is not actually genetics, but rather an environmental influencing factor.

Older Siblings Possess High Intelligence
Growing up as the eldest, firstly you are the only child who receives the parent’s full attention until another sibling is born, as well as being the first so by default being born to new parents, meaning that they worry a lot more and give the child a lot more full attention. Another part of this is that older siblings tend to be given more responsibilities than others, as well as expected to teach their younger siblings the things they already know. Teaching requires high cognitive functions; the eldest needs to remember, structure the knowledge in order to pass it on and to think of a good way of explaining it to the younger sibling. This procedure can boost intelligence for the firstborns.
2. Staying In Shape Is An Attribute Of Intelligent People
When you are healthy and strive to stay in shape, your mind will be at ease. Countless studies highlight the fact that the lower one’s BMI, the higher one’s level of intelligence. If you ask us, we will say this may be one reason intelligent children often grow to become extremely successful.

Staying In Shape Is An Attribute Of Intelligent People
Not only does general success help achieve a comfortable life with fewer money worries, which in general is helpful to our overall health, but raising your heartbeat with cardio or aerobics can benefit your brain. Exercise helps trigger endorphins. This release of endorphins helps improve the prioritizing functions of the brain. After exercise, you are actually better able to block out distractions and sort priorities better. Not only that, but your brain actually remembers more when your body is active.