15. Fingers Without Middle Joints
While our last family enjoyed a hereditary upgrade to their hands, our next submitter had some function taken away from his. If you look closely at his pictured hand, you will notice that his fingers are missing middle joints. They therefore cannot bend the way that most fingers do. This condition is known as symphalangism, where the interphalangeal joints have gone through ankylosis, or simply put, the phalanges of their fingers have fused. Try to imagine having fingers like this!

15 Fingers Without Middle Joints
16. More Heterochromia
This handsome young man looks a lot like his other schoolmates, save for one detail: his eyes are different colors! As you can see, his right eye is brown, while his left one is blue. You guessed it: this cutie has heterochromia. In today’s world, many people are far more tolerant of genetic marvels like this. Sadly, kids like this young man might have been discriminated against in ancient times, as people believed heterochromia to be the “Evil Eye.”

16 More Heterochromia