13. Super Long Arms
This next man has the kind of arms that many athletes would kill for. As you can see from his picture, they are superiorly long! They measure in at 5’9, and when stretched out to his sides, resulting in a 6’6 wingspan! We know what you’re wondering, does he play basketball? If he does, we’re sure that a career with the NBA awaits. To be fair, he could also be an untouchable boxer with that deadly reach!

13 Super Long Arms
14. Polydactyly – More Fingers Than Normal
It is incredibly rare for one person in a family to have a genetic irregularity. Now imagine an entire family with a shared unique trait! This Brazilian family’s 12 members all have 12 fingers on their hands, as well as 12 toes on their feet! All of them! These extra digits were caused by polydactyly, which despite being rare, often runs in entire families. We hope that these extra fingers and toes give this family the edge!

14 Polydactyly More Fingers Than Normal