11. Eye With Birthmark
We now return to the eye department with our next incredible human. This man has a birthmark, but you won’t find it anywhere on his skin. Rather, this gentleman’s birthmark formed on his eye! It looks like an inky tattoo, and it seems to stretch well into his eyeball’s surface. This does not seem to be a case of conjunctival nevus, which looks more like a freckle or a bruise, and therefore this person probably won’t have any medical issues.

11 Eye With Birthmark
12. Smooth Fingerprints
One of the most unique and defining aspects of a human being is its fingerprints. Now, imagine if you went to get your identification document done, and found that you didn’t have any when it came to the fingerprints section! This person was born without fingerprints and most likely has dermatoglyphic. This condition stops a person from developing the loops and ridges in their fingertips that form fingerprints. They must have a tough time explaining this one to the authorities!

12 Smooth Fingerprints