3. Cat Ownership
Many of you may own dogs and prefer them over cats, while on the flip side, cat owners will be pleased to hear that owning a cat can be seen to indicate that you have higher intelligence than many people. There are many rumors that state dog owners are going out more while cat lovers are generally introverts. But, no documented rule states this.

Cat Ownership
Based on a 2014 study, cat owners showed more intelligent traits in terms of cognitive abilities. Many scientists who have searched for supporting evidence indicate that this may only be a result of cat lovers spending more time reading or doing indoor activities. Interesting discovery, right?!
4. Left-Handed People Are More Intelligent
The hand you use does have a say in the level of intelligence you have. Maria Konnikova noted in a 1995 edition of The New Yorker that researchers found that left-handed men are more likely to be better at divergent thoughts than others. It gives them an edge in higher intelligence than the typical right-handed person. Since then, other studies have been conducted that showed that lefties had improved mental flexibility, faster and more accurate spatial skills, and better working memory.

Left-Handed People Are More Intelligent
Experts note that most of the world is right-handed, and only about 10% is left-handed. Although some have also linked this to the different sides of the brain being more active, it is also possible to say that simply through living in a world that is built for right-handed people, left-handed people have to continuously be thinking outside of the box, be creative, and have ‘divergent ideas’ to the norm.