Tyra Banks (Herself)
This superstar played herself when Blush photographed her for a cover. We hope you remember the empowering speech she gave Elliot about how men should respect models. Seriously, do we need to tell you what this icon has been up to since then?

Tyra Banks (Herself)
Well, to recap her career a bit, she appeared in Tropic Thunder, will reprise the role of Eve in Life-Size 2, which comes out in 2018 and starred in many shows. Oh and let’s not forget her show America’s Next Top Model! Not to mention her cosmetic company on top of acting and modeling. Banks also founded the public charity organization called the Tyra Banks TZONE.
Stephanie Romanov (Nikki Ellston)
Back during season two, Nikki came in as the ex of Elliot who dates Dennis. Of course, if you remember her strange antics involving a bird cage, you know her relationship with David did not last. Like some of the other women on our list, Romanov rose to popularity with her modeling.

Stephanie Romanov (Nikki Ellston)
However, she then chose to pursue acting and has appeared in things like Hotel Alexandria, Seven Days, The Closer and in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off, Angel. Actually, she even starred with Robin Williams in The Final Cut.