What Has The Woman Once Known As ‘Human Barbie’ Been Up To?

Published on 04/07/2019

Only Air And Sunshine

It is no secret that supermodels have strict diets. Normally, they avoid foods that have been associated with bloated bellies, plump thighs, and breakfasts. They stay away from the good stuff such as carbs, meat, sugar, and more! However, Lukyanova was even more disciplined than they were. She once tried a breatharian diet, which means that she once survived on nothing more than air and sunshine! To no one’s surprise, it was not a very effective diet, although she has expressed the desire to give it another shot. It might sound ridiculous, although it is not quite as extreme as some other strange things she did.

Only Air And Sunshine

Only Air And Sunshine


Hiding From The Sun

An important aspect of the unbelievable breatharian diet is sunlight. There are not many organisms that have the ability to sit in the dark and inhale the air, after all. Despite this, she apparently subsisted on just air alone. The pictures that you see of Lukyanova lounging on the beach and exposing her skin to the rays of the sun? Apparently, it was all for show. She generally avoids the sun as much as humanly possible since she does not want to become tan. The human Barbie is fine with her fair skin, thanks.

Hiding From The Sun

Hiding From The Sun