Changing Her Tune
She spent so much time, effort, and money to achieve her incredible physique, but it seems like she recently changed her approach towards body image. As we all know by now, she was loved and hated for attaining the unbelievable body and face of the famous Barbie doll. She decided it was time for a change and began to focus on getting buffed up and enhancing her muscles. Do you think she will do a 360 and become a bodybuilder? We aren’t discounting the idea – after all, no one knows what the future holds.

Changing Her Tune
What’s In Store For Her
Despite this huge change, she still wants to impart her knowledge about the spiritual world with the rest of us. She has also set her eyes on doing something fairly ambitious. She recently teamed up with composers in the hopes of creating an opera! Of course, this is not going to be a run of the mill kind of thing. No, it is going to be a new age opera that relies on soft melodies mimicking the sounds you find in nature.

What’s In Store For Her