Kicking Off An Acting Career
Lukyanova is a woman of many talents, which is why she does not want to forever rely on her psychic powers and internet fame. In fact, she has actually dipped her toes into several other careers. Can you believe that she has dabbled in acting and DJing? It was in 2016 that she made her big screen debut in the sci-fi film called The Doll. In the movie, she portrayed a bloodthirsty alien doll. Susannah O’Brien, who directed the film, only had good things to say about the star, going so far as to say that Lukyanova “was a natural”.

Kicking Off An Acting Career
What The Future Holds
Although her unbelievable looks came as the result of cosmetic surgery, she has only ever admitted to getting breast augmentation surgery. True enough, we do not think that she currently needs any more work at the moment. However, this does not mean she is completely abandoning the idea of getting some work done in the future. When she was asked by a fan about going under the knife once more, she answered in the affirmative by saying that it remains a possibility. She has also said that the people who claim she had a lot of surgeries done know absolutely nothing about who she is.

What The Future Holds