Give Me A Hand
From a distance, this dress looks like it is made of feathers or a similar material, but after a closer look, you will see that it is much weirder. Who would have thought rubber gloves could be made into a dress, and a wedding gown at that? If you think about it, these garments are quite important in a household, so this dress sort of makes sense. However, it must have been really hot wearing this. We wonder if the bride refused to do the dishes after she sported this at the wedding.

Give Me A Hand
Messy Monica
We do not know for sure what exactly happened prior to this, though there is something rather appealing about the use of blue paint here. It is not common to use paint as an accessory for a wedding, but whatever works, right? She does not look upset about this thing here, so it was likely planned to some extent. She might have belatedly realized she did not have “something blue” for the wedding and thought of doing this instead! It is a good thing she is near the ocean, and she probably washed that paint off later.

Messy Monica