Wedding Dresses That Will Definitely Surprise You

Published on 08/25/2019

Fast Forward Fashion

Although it is not a requirement, it would be nice if the wedding dress the bride chooses to wear reveals something about her. However, this dress is something that we cannot figure out. It is party on top, but a disaster at the bottom. Perhaps there are people who would love to wear something like this, but we think they will want to put extra care on making sure not to trip all over. If you pair this with sky-high heels, there is a big chance you will fall on your face at your wedding!

Fast Forward Fashion

Fast Forward Fashion

As Much Color As Can Be

People say that your wedding day is the most special day of your life, and for good reason. This is day entirely devoted to you, your partner, and your relationship. Just like this lady, you can celebrate your big day by wearing the colors of the rainbow. This bride managed to bedazzle the ruffles and bodice of the dress to make sure all the attention would be on her. With what she is wearing, we are pretty sure the guests could pick her out from the crowd that is a mile away!

As Much Color As Can Be

As Much Color As Can Be